Brother Hayes’ Media Section

PERFECT PEACE THROUGH EVERY STORM was preached on the Crow Indian Reservation, Pryor Montana Community Building.  The storms of life come to everyone saved or unsaved. There is a peace God will give to His people that the world (people, friends, relatives) cannot give. It is available to every born again Christian: Perfect Peace Through Every Storm.

View all of Bro. Hayes Latest Sermons by Clicking “Video Sermons” in the Media tab

You can watch the latest video clips and keep up with Bro. and Sis. Hayes as they travel the world sharing the good news! Follow along by adding Phillip Hayes on Facebook. Don’t forget to visit the Photo Gallery!
World Outreach for Christ is eager to provide links to sermons and videos so that you might be encouraged in the Lord. You can browse a selection of sermons from Video Sermons, Audio Sermons, or Sermon Articles pages to keep up with the ministry.  Click “Media: again for a list of these.